B/C John Helzing Red Shift Serving Itasca since 2003 Areas of Responsibility: Training Division, Health & Safety, Specialty Teams (HazMat, Dive, TRT) |
B/C John Raschke Gold Shift Serving Itasca since 2007 Areas of Responsibility: IT/Comm., Fire Prev,, Public Education, Grants, CPR Coord., PIO, Honor Guard |
B/C Ryan Rasche Black shift Serving Itasca since 2007 Areas of Responsibility: EMS Division, Vehicle Maint., Building Maint., Small Tools, SCBA |
Lt. Mark Ber RED SHIFT Serving Itasca Since 1998 Areas of Responsibility: Vehicle Maintenance |
Lt. Brett Nagel GOLD SHIFT Serving Itasca since 2014 Areas of Responsibility: Training |
Lt. David Brzezicki BLACK Shift Serving Itasca since 2002 Areas of Responsibility: Public Education |